
Available on Amazon the Best Seller ebook “The Ikon” invites you to a Mystical Adventure in Greece

Many times we stumble upon just the perfect book to read when we are craving one. Last summer while looking for a good mystery novel to read I stumbled upon the bestseller ebook “the ikon” . The novel is available on Amazon and that is from where I discovered it.  The story of this fictional mystery novel is set across Greece which is a beautiful place in itself and is as such projected in the novel. The book does have a slow start but keeps your attention. The novel is set across an idol called “the ikon” and the mysteries surrounding it. How the hero uncovers all the enigma enveloping this idol is the plot of the novel. This novel might sound simple, but reading it is a proper roller coaster ride. The twist and turns presented by the writer, who is a storyteller, writer, and producer in Greece and has been in the film-making industry for a very long time, represents the essence of going on an adventure through a book. There are many fewer novels that one could read that depict p...